Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fluidity in cooking.

 I recently made a stew and threw it all together pretty quick.  And then I noticed a lot of my stews that I made quickly came out better than the ones I poured over for hours.  I'm not sure why this is but think it may have something to do with the energy you put into something.I'm going to use the word  fluidity.  Most of the stews I do have at least some sort of grain or legume or both. I like to put split peas with lentils and then through in some barley and wild rice.  Coconut and TomYum paste or just strait bone broth.  When using meat I sear it first sealing in the flavor.  I have made plenty of vegetarian stews and nut salads and sometimes a kind of goulash is made.  Always under cook so that reheating doesn't turn it to mush.  But the point of this blog is really all about the one movement one might do in say making of a piece of artwork all with the same emotion .   And then here's a link that is tied to a name or word of the place I was born called Cicero  It's from the  SUMMA and has somthing to do with what I'm talking about.

And then here's another link for Googleing Done with all the same emotion

Friday, October 20, 2017

Saw a guy die in Paris once

Paris 1980 something. It was a very strange day. I woke up in the Three Ducks Hostel and had set out to see Jim Morrison's grave.  The trip took a while and was clear across town. The Three Ducks was right in the middle of the 15 arrondissement and the  Père Lachaise was right behind the 11th arrondissement which is essentially a borough. So that's pretty much the other side of town.  And the other side of town it was.  For starters I was met by not one but two girls who had decided to tag along with me. The seemed to have argued over who was to be with me and this annoyed me to some extent at that time I couldn't hardly believe it but now see what was really happening.  But this isn't a story about them or jim's grave which had a far amount of visitors. That didn't seem right Chopin was right down the way and it didn't get a single visit while I was there.
     No it was after I had seen the grave. When I was on my way back I saw a man lying down on the sidewalk just down away from a guy sitting in a doorway I myself was standing at the bus stop just feet away waiting for a bus. The man was dressed all in white and appeared as though he may have been painting or playing cricket . Or maybe he had been and some formal gathering . But he was very thin and wore a white dress coat and with white shoes and no shirt. He had his hand tucked into his belt and it was all bloody.  As I waited it appeared as though the man had perished right then and there.  Just before I got on the bus he closed his eyes. I felt badly for him and angry that I was in no position to help out.  Or was I . Maybe I could have held the poor old man's hand . From the looks I got from the other guy I felt it was best to just leave him alone. Now many years later I know all the characters in the Paris scene were possibly payers  on grand scale and I was only lucky or smart enough to get away. It pays to be weary of people who portend to be in distress .  Or something to good to be true maybe.   I read this and agree that I not at all good at writing but it was a very strange day and it did happen.  I believe I saw I guy die but it could have been a con.       


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Imagine the world not solid like it appears but more of a gas like state then imagine how these gasses would interact and react to other stimuli. Then imagine in your mind's eye the currents that these energies would have. Then I think that you start to understand true consciousness and the real universe as a whole. Or should I say at least your small pond or part of it more accurately. To imagine the whole to me is like trying to imagine what it would be like to be one cell in my body ( which sometimes I think I can do especially when I want the pain to stop ) But that is very hard to do. 
You have a chance to be very good to yourself? You must take it. Because to be good to yourself is to help the common cause so long as being good to yourself isn't selfish or self centered reasons. 
Well I lost my train of thought that I had while showering. Something about the water helps me think clearer. Or so it appears. 
All the best to whome ever out there who reads list blog.   Others like this so I thought i'd post it here. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

If anyone wants to view my galleries at artmajeur here's the link.  <a href=""><img src="" alt="George Grund"   /><h2>George Grund</h2></a><p>Discover great art by contemporary artist George Grund. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.</p>