Saturday, September 14, 2019

You Put What In My Mouth ?

    Wait what!? This came out nearly twenty years ago and still I can't get anyone to listen to me. My brother DIED! I lost 150k to this. Been trying for a very long time for anyone to listen to my story. When my brother had Lou Gehrig's disease I was brushing his teeth one day and stopped and wondered if all that metal in there was causing his symptoms I shrugged it off at the time thinking the authorities must know what they are doing. But I counted the number of fillings he had in his mouth 15! It was only until after he died and my symptoms were getting worse did I stumble upon the smoking teeth video To my shock and horror, I ran to the mirror and counted the number of filling I had. 15

   Since then my life has been an unbelievable hell.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Amalgam Danger by Dr. Benjamin Zander

The only beneficiary of this secretiveness is the amalgam industry, which raises even more concerns – from 2003-2009, Commissioner Margaret Hamburg served on the board of Henry Schein Inc., the largest distributor of dental products (including amalgam).  Owning the large amount of stock in a company she would regulate, she was given 90 days to sell it, but the amalgam rule had to be finished within her first 75 days (by July 28).   Clearly Commissioner Hamburg had a conflict of interest that should have prevented her from participating in the amalgam rule. 

Amalgam Danger by Dr. Benjamin Zander

4,495 views•Published on Jun 9, 2011.   Ya except that this has been going on for some time now and how is that?  Could could money and corruption be part of the problem? 

       "Margaret Hamburg" conflict of interest for mercury amalgams                                          
At a meeting of the same society on July 20, 1843, the use of amalgams was declared to be malpractice, and a committee appointed to further investigate the subject. They referred the matter to the Medical Society of the County of Onondaga, New York. The report of the medical committee was to the effect that no care in the combination or use of the paste will prevent its occasional bad effects.

  My brother died from this.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Healing ALS 1

Mercury amalgams are linked to ALS I know my brother died from it. I know because I brushed his teeth.

I know because I counted the number of silver fillings he had in his mouth. I know because I paused while brushing his teeth and wondered if they had an effect on his health.
What I didn't know was that Margaret Hamberg knew too but had a conflict of interest >
Why I know for sure? I to had 15 fillings and lost everything I had to it.

FDA Hearings on Mercury Dental Amalgam Safety