Monday, June 18, 2018

 So now we have a three-fingered and three-toed alien creature they found in Peru. That doesn't surprise me having been there. Giant popcorn and hand painted water pictures that won't or will pore depending on whether you hold down the vent. Lady's wearing these hats that make them look like bookies or something. But supposedly they originate from here. Ya sent from a time traveler. We got a room at this place that was run by a bunch of Aussies and on the wall of the room was a painting of a couples central nervous system engaged against a starlight backdrop they offered another room but we said no we liked this one. This thing was wild looking. So we stayed there and went to Machu Pichu three times we were lucky the very first day we went they had the Wynn Pichu open that's that monolith just up behind it.  A very steep hill with a small narrow path. There wasn't too much of a worry about falling because if you did fall you should be able to catch a tree or shrub before going too far.  near the top, there was a large platform. Then on the way down went to the moon temple who's to say I didn't know Babara that well but now that I look back I wonder if she was one of them?
    People often ask me who are they that you're talking about. I can't really answer that question but I could say that I know we're not alone. And then who's to say how much influence do they have over mankind and or the person or more over myself. I know that my story sounds destitute and confusing but I can assure you I am of sound mind and body. In addition, I wouldn't post this on blogger had I not been sure of myself.   But for all of you debunkers out there you can always say ha he was just another kid from the suburbs. Remeber that movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murry? That's the town I essentially grew up in. But only my first year of high school. After that life for me starts to pick up pace. And fast.  I'll see what I can do to start moving a direction where some of my life is documented somewhere. Perhaps here.   

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