Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Grant Cameron - Government knowledge of alien contact

If you took all the mass from all the people on the earth it would be about the size of a grain of rice. That statement puts into perspective the floating through the wall scenario that the abductees claim to have happened. It also explains why they can not be seen if they don't want to be. So you know that someone is watching you but you can't see them.  And for us humans to wrap our heads around interdimensional beings or alternative universe or multiverse is a pretty new concept and so damn near possible to understand.  

Monday, September 18, 2017

How to start Mining Bitcoin| Genesis Mining earning 90 Euros daily


Genesis mining

I thought that this is a good way  to keep the feds from taking our money

Grant Cameron - Government knowledge of alien contact

This is very compelling. I just have one problem. How is it that this is been claimed to be published on December 5 2016 and it only has 4395 views. There's over 7 billion people and not even five thousand have see this. No way man.

Grant Cameron - Government knowledge of alien contact

They know how it works and we don't.  This is the most gripping part of what is really the bottom line.

How do they do it?  

Tame Impala - Let It Happen

How these Aussies get this trippy scenario out of this song is beyond me but it speaks to me in a way I cannot understand because this guy in the video kind of reminds me of what my father's life might have been like and to some extent my own because I've traveled a lot ( and not really know why ) > perhaps to be like my dad or for other reasons to see the world while you're young or I was just running away from myself or all of the above it doesn't really matter at this point. But what is fascinating about the story is that it could closely reminds us of humanity itself. Ourselves. Are we alone? Probably not. Will they ever introduce themselves to us? Probably not. For reasons we may never understand. Or won't we let it happen?

Monday, September 4, 2017