Thursday, May 14, 2015

After four years at four separate high schools I found myself selling ice cream and donuts  at Valras Plage, on the Cote D'azur France.  Since then my life started to go real fast and it got kinda blurry to so I try hard to keep up.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

It's Mother's Day today and so I thought I'd start writing about my travels here on blogger seeing how my mother would love to read it and see me writing about my crazy adventure across the globe. It kinda starts out on a beach in France where I sold ice cream and of all things donuts.  It was the spring of 1980 and I had a place to camp for free on a beach in the town of Valras Plage. What I knew was that I would be getting paid by the number I sold what I didn't know was that I would be selling in four different languages and to thousands of people.  Having never been to France before and having heard of such things like French nudist beaches. I thought that was like for some club or private beaches not what I was going to be at. But sure enough as I made my way down the beach people were wearing less and less cloths and soon no one had any on at all. But what I had noticed was that those that didn't have any tan lines looked the most inconspicuous and after a while I really hadn't noticed them at all.  They were just smiling faces that had money and wanted donuts or ice cream.   The first time I had enough money to buy a Steak Un Fritz it was great I bought a beer and sat down and my steak and french fries came and i was the best steak and french fries I had ever had. But it wasn't the most expensive.  I'll try to remember the first time I had anchovies. I was on a train to Paris just having gotten off the ferry to France from London.  Which is really cool by the way if you've enver gone across the The English Channel swimming across it seems almost unimaginable scary the wave peaks were super high and the current seemed really rapid and the sky wasn't particularly bright either.  But anyway here I am on this train starvin I don't know how I'm going to make it. I've got very little money. I have to find work in order to stay even just for a few days. So any way my choices were a few sandwiches all of which cost a great deal more than a pizza. so I got the pizza. Turns out the only pizza they had was one with anchovies on it. And I thought augh what the heck it's food and that wasn't important. Now I love anchovies or rather used to before I went vegetarian and soon to become a full vegan. And pretty much only because I'm against cruelty.  

  •      There must have been at least four different nationalities French, German, Swedish, Italian. . All I knew was how to say Ask me for a donut?